
Submitted by hlavkaa on

2020 Grand Finale Gala

Submitted by huffa on

Join us at Andiamo in Warren for a celebration of our 2020 Students of the Year candidates and team members. During this 7-week campaign students from the greater metro Detroit area schools will fundraise to support the LLS mission. Let's cheer for them all as we announce the winner at this 2020 Grand Finale gala.   

Kickoff Celebration

Submitted by huffa on

Join us for our 2020 Students of the Year Kickoff. Celebrate the beginning of the 7-week fundraising campaign at the Fowling Warehouse. Enjoy lunch and good ol' fowling! 

Seattle Students of the Year KickOff

Submitted by smithda on

Our KickOff celebration will take place at the Mercer Island Community & Event Center. Candidates, parents and campaign managers will come together with Honored Heroes and staff to get inspired for an awesome campaign!


Submitted by neidigh on

Honored Hero

We're thrilled to raise funds in honor of our hero, Annora. Annora was diagnosed with ALL just after her first birthday and is nearing the end of her treatment! Annora is a spunky and smart two-year-old who loves just about everything. She loves princesses, superheroes, blocks, play-doh, and paint. Her favorite foods are french fries and corn dogs.

Campaign Kickoff!

Submitted by cairnsj on

Join us as we celebrate the official start of the 2021 Students of the Year campaign! Additional details will be shared as we get closer to the event.