Students of the Year Grand Finale

Submitted by geiszd on

Join us at the 2020 Students of the Year Grand Finale Celebration! 

We look forward to celebrating the efforts of our wonderful candidates in their efforts to beat blood cancer! 

SOY Grand Finale

Submitted by stockwem on

Come join us for a night to celebration all the student candidate success during their campaigns and see whose will be crowned of the Student(s) of the Year!!

Lincoln Students of the Year Workshop

Hello all! We are so excited to have you all join us for SOY Workshop on 2/23/20 from 5:00PM-7:00PM 

Location: Non-Profit Hub

211 North 14th Street 

Lincoln, NE 68508 

Meet Our Honored Hero

Jayden is an amazing 17-year old student at Clarkston High School and we're grateful to have him as our Honored Hero. While he is unable to play football anymore, he definitely enjoys watching! He also enjoys great food and playing video games. Here are a few words from his mother, Tanisha Scott, as spoken at our Students of the Year Kickoff on February 1, 2020.

I am a lupus survivor and I was on dialysis when at the age of 10, Jayden was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. To say that I was devastated doesn’t even rival the hopelessness that invaded my soul. I was already on the battlefield soldiering through my own health issues, and I was so scared, “How would I be able to care for my child the way he needed?” continually reverberated in my head. There are no words that can describe a mother’s feeling of helplessness when she can’t kiss the booboo away, then witnessing the many losses her child would face...the physical: hair, weight, the ability to stand, mouth sores that make it difficult to eat, the emotional: the feeling of defeat, depression, lack of confidence. All of these I struggled to see Jayden battle. But it was my faith in God that brought us through this valley. It was the determination and the Godly wisdom of his team of doctors and organizations such as LLS that championed us on.

LLS, I pray that God continues to pour back into you for all the love, encouragement, and support you give to families. Thank you for electing my son Jayden to be your Honored Hero. Navigating through his new normal has not been without its challenges, but because of your efforts, you have given New Hope, New Possibilities, New Life, to so many families, and I thank God that Jayden and I are among them. Thank you.

Tanisha Scott and Jayden Vaughn

Kickoff Celebration

Submitted by huffa on

Join us as we kick off the 2020 Students of the Year campaign. Enjoy an afternoon of Fowling, lunch, and fun at The Fowling Warehouse in Hamtramck. Come help us celebrate the beginning of a transformational journey for our high school students from the greater metro Detroit area.