Honored Hero

Honored Hero


Meet our Honored Hero, Caitlin, Lymphoma, diagnosed in March, 2020. Caitlin noticed a lump on her shoulder in February, 2020. After some bloodwork, an ultrasound, and a biopsy, it was confirmed that the lump showed lymphoma. She immediately started treatments at the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital. She went through 4 rounds of chemotherapy and a hospital stay but is doing much better now. She continues to have follow up appointments and bloodwork but says she's blessed to have come through with good results. The Covid-19 pandemic has been especially difficult for her since she now has to quarantine and is unable to spend her Senior year of high school with her friends. She misses school and her friends but is thankful for all the support she has received.

Toledo Kickoff

Submitted by staningm on

Join us for a virtual celebration as we celebrate our candidate teams. If you would like to attend our virtual kickoff you can register at this link: https://tlls.zoom.us/j/95699769695?pwd=TTV2dW5abldvdUxQRWpkalZwTXZ3Zz09

Kickoff Invitation


Loudoun County 2021 Students of the Year Hall of Fame

What is the Hall of Fame?  An elite group of Candidates and Team Members who have gotten an early start on their campaign and are set up for the best possible success. All Candidates and Team Members who earn a place in the Students of the Year Hall of Fame will earn valuable incentives and be recognized at Kick Off.

                                 Congratulation to our Hall of Fame Winners!


                                                            Ayana Ahuja             

                                                       Michael Bastawrous        

                                                            Karah Craner  

                                                            Gabi David                 

                                                            Morgan Milne

                                                            Dylan Hudson

                                                            Leila Mohajer

                                                         Hunter Robinson

                                                         Saanvi Paladugu                   

                                                  Dinos Papalabrakopoulos

                                                          Sarah Rubin

                                                    Kolbee Wisniewski


                                                       Team Members

                                                       Shannon Davis

                                                          Ava Dunphy

                                                       Hope Fahrner

                                                      Alexander Footen

                                                          Colin Frank

                                                        Riya Ganguly

                                                       Ava Greathouse

                                                              Matt Hall

                                                     Andrew Hamingson

                                                          Luci Hansen

                                                        Anna Jacobson

                                                    Catherine Ndumbalo

                                                          Eliza Reed

                                                         Isaiah Stokes

                                                         Will Vermette   

                                                       Aayna Wadhwani

                                                      Kyleigh Woodrick        

Grand Finale Celebration

Submitted by halll on

Stay tuned for more details on the Lowcountry Students of the Year Grand Finale Celebration.