Meet Our Honored Hero- Loxley!
"Several weeks ago my son started to complain of back pain. He is one of two fellas in my care whom I love deeply, and not the first one I would expect to complain of lower back pain. Not at 8 years old.
I took him to the pediatrician, where he was assessed and a multiview X-ray was ordered. It was normal. I agreed to keep a log of his back pain complaints. A couple of days later, I received a video call from my son at his dad’s house and he was crying. I couldn’t see him. He had used Siri to call me because he couldn’t walk to the phone. I hung up, picked him up and took him to our beloved pediatrician who agreed his X-ray looked normal, let’s give him some time.
A couple of days later he was crying in bed. His back hurt. I called Nemours Orthopedics. A PA saw him, looked at his X-ray, saw it was normal but wasn’t thrilled about his reluctance to bend over or rise from cross cross applesauce and asked us to get a CBC before we moved to MRI.
The CBC results were abnormal, she said, but not too concerning. But she seemed concerned and insisted we repeat the labs. And in my heart, I already knew. I cried that night. Hard. Like ugly cry. Like Michael Jordan. I agreed to repeat his labs in one week’s time.
Every single expert that I showed his bloodwork to felt it was nothing out of the ordinary. Even the famous hematologists on Twitter.
I felt like I was going crazy but my mother’s heart would not listen. Four days later my son winced in pain as he sat down at the dinner table and I decided it was enough. I didn’t make it a week. I went to the ER and asked them to do it all. He was pan cultured, urinalysis, labs, chemistries, ultrasounds. Every last thing was normal except slight anemia and a low WBC.
We were transferred that night via ambulance to the hematology/oncology floor at Wolfson’s for more testing. After a normal MRI, and a negative peripheral blood smear for leukemia cells, even the hematologists were confused.Loxley was then scheduled for his first procedure under anesthesia: a bone marrow aspiration.
Two days later, the results were in: Loxley had B-cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.
The days following that diagnosis was a mad rush of lumbar puncture, port insertion, IV infusions, and chemotherapy. I vehemently asked my family and coworkers to keep it under wraps because it was so overwhelming (please forgive them for their silence). I only recently gave them the green light to release their burden, 1) because I love them dearly and it was too much to ask and 2)because after 7 days in the hospital and by the Grace of GOD we are home.
Loxley has a very long road ahead of him, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and though it is needlepoint from this view, it is like an oasis in the desert and if it kills me I will get him there. As far as Loxley...he is so impressive. He’s doing great. It won’t be comfortable, it will be so inconvenient, but this is highly treatable. He gets to be home fighting for his life and I will be right here with him until we pop out on the other side and reach back to help others going through the same thing."
- Loxley's mom, Brandy
2022 Hall of Fame Winners - SOY Maryland
Congratulations to all of the elite and outstanding individuals that qualitied for our 2022 Maryland Students of the Year Hall of Fame!
Candidate Hall of Fame
Henry Blocksidge
Olivia Borum
Burhan Buttar
Alyssa Davis
Sabrina Hanson
Caroline Hughes
Paige Johnston
Molly Kroeger
Lindsey Magill
Claire Mangan
Alisha Mason
Grace Mitchell
Noah Park
Advika Punje
Nicole Rickabaugh
Rachel Rickabaugh
Glynis Rossi
Mackenzie Sanschagrin
Caitlyn White
Veronica Zhou
Team Member Hall of Fame
Justin Abraham
Bridget Adams
Alice Aherne
Nidhi Anne
Naod Asres
Morgan Baird
Isabel Baselga
Aaryan Batra
Gwenyth Berger
Abbas Bharmal
Matthew Brenner
Alex Britton
Lily Brooks
Paige Burgess
Riley Burns
Macy Carpenter
Emma Dean
Anmol Desai
Kim Emswiler
Rhian Evans
Madeline Frankos
Riley Frutiger
Swetha Ganesh
David Gardner
Emilie Garrabrant
Chloe Gaydos
Daniela Gerardi
Nicholas Harazmus
Jordan Harris
Alva Harstrom-Small
Robert Harvey
Lauren Helminiak
Maggie Kelly
Maddy & Lydia Keys
Sarika Kumar
Ryan LaRocque
MaryKate Lasek
Georgia Little
Sophie McAvoy
Blaise McCarty
Rory McClain
Cami McNeally
Natalie Michael
Jinecia Milton
Julia Murray
Charles Ngijoi
Meghan O'Hare
Dulce Ortiz
Sara Pachner
Hiyanshi Patel
Marcello Procopio
Akshar Ravichandran
Ella Reilly
Brigid Reinhart
Helena Riesett
Lauren Rigelsky
Catherine Rogers
Sam Rose
Dominic Runfola
Gitika Saravanan
Morgan Schuckman
Kathy and Stu Sellers
Lana Selva
Sierra Sewchand
Habeeba Shabbir
Hamid Shabbir
Tanisha Shah
Ria Sharma
Drew Somerville
Jasmine Sonpar
Bernhard Steinki
Katherine Talbott
Anaya Teye
Estella Thomas
McKenna Traxel
Mia Verma
Mary Wans
Kylie Weems
Wilson Wood
Jonathan Wu
Lauren Young
Christina Zielinski
Virtual Grand Finale
Join us for our virtual Students of the Year Grand Finale!
Registration Details:
All guests are asked to register for the event. In the days leading up to the event, LLS will provide all registered guests with an exclusive Zoom link.