2023 Mid-Atlantic Student Visionaries of the Year Graduates

Full List of Graduates Here


GraduatesAshley Abikoff

Bridget Adams

Izzy Afran

Emily Ahmed

Maanha Ahmed

Ayana Ahuja

Rijja Noor Akhtar

Farah Al Asadi

Breana Alcantara

Steven Allen

Sydney Allen

Nina Allen 

Sophia Allenbaugh

Maryam Alnaimi

Ava Alperstein

Remy Alperstein

Valeria Alvarado 

Reese Anderson

Isabella Andrade

Feeman Annas

Nidhi Anne

Ayesha Ansari

Sydney Anzelone

Kate Aronson

Samantha Aronson

Sidrah Asghar

Sarah Ashkin

Naod Asres

Gianna Athavale

Sthavya Avvaru

Judy Awamleh

Aurian Azghandi

Kristen Bae

Jenna Bailey

Elson Bankoff

Peter Barros

Ali Barrow

Miliana Barth

Ava Bartnik 

Isabel Baselga

Aaryan Batra

August Beaudreau

Henry Behr 

Anne Belevetz

Sophia Benaim

Giovanni Benitez

Gwenyth Berger

Katrin Bergesen

Katie Bernhardt

Sofia Bernstein

Roma Bhandari

Abbas Bharmal

Mahika Bhatt

Lilli Biondi

Nathan Birchfield

Elle Bischoff

Daisy Bishop


Layla Bizri

Kate Black

Saloni Bodas

Charlie Boggs

Charles Bohigian

Carolyn Bohnert

Liane Bolduc

Ella Bomberger

Alexander Bonham

John Boscarino

Drishika Bose

Sriya Botlaguduru

Elena Bou

Juliana Bove

Sienna Bowater

Krisha Brahmbhatt

Taylor Branch

Brendan Breitzmann

Alex Britton

Christopher Brophy

Payton Brown

maribeth burg

Paige Burgess

Alyssa Burgos

Emily Burke

Nathaniel Burkhead

Ashley Butler

Burhan Buttar

Andrea Cadima

Danny Cantor

Julia Capuano

Julia Cardoza

Macy Carpenter

Lauren Carr

Clio Cartin

Mary Celeste

Kathryn Celeste

Parvi Chadha

Thomas Chalfant

Sarah Chang

Lara Chapman

Nicholas Chiaramonte

Ananya Chillara

Emilia Ciatti

Claiborne Clark

Caroline Clinton

Makenzie Cober

Sofia Cojocea-Neagoie

Adeliene Coons

Sofia Cornacchia

Colby Cornwell

Erica Coronado

Mae Crews

Olivia Cubba

Sruthi Dacherla

Marley Daniel

Liliana Dave

Carter Davis

Maddie Davis

Valentine De Pue

Kendall Deagle

Emma Dean

Lauren DeMarse

Eiley Depman

Anmol Desai

Ishan Desai

Om Desai

Sydney Detwiler

Kiana Dian

Hannah Didonato

Gabe Digges

Christina Dimitropoulos

Makayla Dinesman

Maria Docouto

Brigid Donohoe

Lily Dorton

Victoria Doti

Grace Dreibelbis

Aidan Dubin

Charlotte Duncan

Lindsay Dunlap

Ava Dunphy

Annie Eager

Nora Edelman

Aaron Eichenlaub

Grace Enders

Sydney Engel

Jasmin Enriquez

Grant Ettinger

Elizabeth Etuaful

Rhian Evans

Ava Farviar 

Delara Farzin 

Olakiite Fatukasi

Ella Fecko

Yan Yin Feng

Sarah Finkel


Mia Fireman

Thomas Flaherty

Adele Flores-Noel

Clayton Forsythe

Nora Fotuhi

Javier Fox

Madeline Frankos

Leah Freisinger 

Annabel Friedman

Kate Fuller

Lahari Gadde

Sam Galupo

Swetha Ganesh

Riya Ganguly

Benji Garland

Walton Gaskin

Sofia Gaviria

Alex Gerson

Jiwan Ghoseiri

Hannah Giambastiani

Bridget Glennon

Elizabeth Goetzman 

Sophia Goff

Noor Golesorkhi

Noor elle Golesorkhi 

Emma Gomes

Cody Goodnight

Rhyan Goozh

Rahitha Gopinathan


Jolie Graham

Arla Graham

Amelia Grant

Ava Greathouse

Jack Green

Abby Greenblatt

Bailey Greenfield

Ava Gregory


Ethan Grossman

Nate Grossman

Jiya Gumaste

Diya Gumaste

Shaya Habib

Fatma Dilara Haciogullari

Owen Hacker

Lara Hadi

Alma Hagstrom

Najla Hall

Ian Halteh

Adam Harake

Olivia Hardway

Margaux Har

Benji Garland

Walton Gaskin

Sofia Gaviria

Alex Gerson


Jiwan Ghoseiri

Hannah Giambastiani

Bridget Glennon

Elizabeth Goetzman 

Sophia Goff

Noor Golesorkhi

Noor elle Golesorkhi 

Emma Gomes

Cody Goodnight

Rhyan Goozh

Rahitha Gopinathan


Jolie Graham

Arla Graham

Amelia Grant

Ava Greathouse

Jack Green

Abby Greenblatt

Bailey Greenfield

Ava Gregory


Ethan Grossman

Nate Grossman

Jiya Gumaste

Diya Gumaste

Shaya Habib

Fatma Dilara Haciogullari

Owen Hacker

Lara Hadi

Alma Hagstrom

Najla Hall

Ian Halteh

Adam Harake

Olivia Hardway

Margaux Harms

Ava Harstrom-Small

Will Hart

Giselle Harvey

Natalie Hashemi

Brigid Hathway

Alexandra Heinze

Lauren Helminiak

Anna Hemmer

Annika Hermans

Ivan Hernandez

Ellie Herr

McKenzie Hibshman

Kate Hilburn

Julia Hildreth

Katelyn Hiller

Carolyn Hoagland 

Griffin Hoch

Luke Hoffeditz

Elle Hogan

Claire Hohman

Alexa Holloman

Saebyul Hong

Lauren Hornbaker

Lilly Hughes

Ella Hunter

Brooke Hurley

Marian Irey

Manasa Iswara

Ibbie Jackson

Emily Jackson

Lucy Jacobs

Romina Jafarzadeh

Kamali Jangha

Jacqueline Janicki

Leen Jawhar

Annelise Jefferson

Ava Johnson

Kody Johnson

Paige Johnston

Elle Jones

Ben Jose

Sydney Joseph

Joshua Kadavil

Audrey Kaden

Avery Kaganzev

Madhu Kandipan

Ela Karamete

Julianne Karol

Antranig Kasbarian

Nabneet Kaur

Connor Keegan

Will Keegan

Michael Kehoe

Allyson Keith

Maggie Kelly

Aleezah Khaliq

Dana Kim

Mary Kincer

Allison Kinzer

Scarlett Kiss

Meghan Kissinger

Noah Klugman

Saylor Knisely

Claire Knowles 

Sabrina Ko

Reese Koberg

Caroline Kociolek

Chelsea Kodiaga

Shree Kokatam

Kaeden Koons-Perdikis

Will Koopersmith

Spoorthi Koppula

Selase Koranteng

Vera Korff

Molly Kroeger

Sydney Krug

Kathryn Krusling

Olivia Kuehl

Hemani Kumar

Sarika Kumar

Amy Lamb


Nathaniel Laquis

Ryan LaRocque

Caden Latchaw

Josie Layfield

Izabella Leclair 

Jaegeon Lee

Bramley Legg

Lexy Lehman

Sarah Lehner

Isabel Len

Christian Leusch

Victoria Levi

Hanna Levy

Nadia Liban

Auvren Lightle

Sandesh Lingam

Aidan Linnartz

Georgia Little 

Hamza Lodhi

Dani London

Grace Loper

Natali Lopez

Andrew Ludwin

Kate Lukawski

Natalie Lumsden

Erin Lynch

Kaitlin Lynch

Alexandra Lynch

Lindsey Magill

Aidan Maharaj

Jack Mahoney

Katie Mahoney

Kelly Maida

Aleena Malik

Dillon Malkani

Alexander Maloy

Medha Mani

Miles Mann

Vassiliki Margas

Mia Markakos

Victoria Marshall

Ava Marshall

Addie Martin

Sophie Mattheus

Ryan May

Blaise McCarty

Molly McDonough

Ellie McFadden

Regan McGinley

Corinne McGrath

Mason Mcintyre

Kerry Mckeon

Cami McNeally 

Chase Meadows

Maia Medley

Stephen Metzger

Samantha Meyers

Samantha Meyers 

Carina Mezheritsky

Margarita Michalas

Jasmine Milbourne

Chiara Militello 

David Miller

Nami Miranda

Jessica Missell

Emma Mobley

Nava Modanlou

Riley Kate Moffitt

Yasmeen Mogharbel

Maddie Mohamadi

Kadyn Morga 

Olivia Morgan

Grace Morris

Ellie Morrison

Leah Morrison

Anne Moser

Emma Mulford

Jack Murphy

Julia Murray

Georgia Myers

Norah Naim

Madison Naman

Nicole Nartey

Shaddai Navas

Catherine Ndumbalo

Charles Ngijoi

Vi Nguyen

Christine Nguyen

Lucy Nguyen

Meghan Nixon

Afdhal Nizamudeen

Kayla Norris

Gretchen O'Brien

Timothy O'Connor


Grace Oetgen

Alexandra Ogilvie

Daniel Ohadi

Meghan O'Hare

Katelyn Oliwa

Kennedy O'Neail

Sadie O'Neal

Megan O'Neil

Chisom Onukwugha

Sara Pachner

Santiago Palacios

Saanvi Paladugu

Giuliana Pangan

Catarina Papaioannou

Noah Park

Shelby Parsons

Hiyanshi Patel

Naiya Patel 

Alex Pedraza

Maddie Perez

Sanii Person

Christina Perumattathil

Laila Peterson

Sruthi Pillai

Susan Pirnat

Brooke Pitt

Isabella Plott

Erin Plunkett

Sadie Porter

Luka Posavec

Maddie Press

Lucy Price

Helen Prince

Marcello Procopio

Kyriakos Psaromatis

Riya Pudasaini

Kalia Puphal

Meghan Puppala

Gulmina Qazi

Sanjna Rachakonda

Reagan Raffo

Sahar Rahman

Mira Ramachandran

Khushi Rana

Joseph Rascher

Penelope Ratz

Siddharth Ravi

Akshar Ravichandran

Andrew Reece

Charlotte Reed

Eliza Reed

Sophia Rees

Ella Reilly

Sophia Reskusic

Catie Rhea

Laysha Ricci

Sabrina Rice

Rache lRickabaugh

Colin Riddle

Lauren Rigelsky 

Ann Leslie Riley

Ayden Rinaldi

Mayra Rios

Colin Rogers

Catherine Rogers

Reese Roque

Margaret (Maggie) Rose

Matthew Rosenstein

Ella Rosoff

Lexi Ross

Glynis Rossi

Norah Rothman

Christina Rowe

Carden Royster

Emily Rubenstein

Aliaa Saleh

Adam Samamreh

Kayley Sanchez Forbes

Reagan Sanders

Anmol Sandhu

Alejandra Sandomirskiy 

Katelyn Santoni

Gitika Saravanan

Callie Sava

Sia Savkoor

Gaetano Scafidi

Carly Schaechter

Sarah Schagrin

Faith Schmude

Rosie Schramm

Ella Schropp

Kate Schuab

Morgan Schuckman

Sunny Schulman

Aiden Schultz

Lana Selva

Bridget Sevec

Sierra Sewchand

Hamid Shabbir

Luke Shaffer

Anya Shah

Tanisha Shah

Suhani Shah

Zakir Shahzad

Prathyusha Shankarnarayanan

Jennifer Shanklin

Ria Sharma

Janvi Sharma

Will Sharp

Amanda Shepherd

Jamie Shoemaker

Ganitta Shrestha

Yuvraj Sidhu

Will Simons

Anjika Singh

Eeshika Singh

Nina Sinkford

Shruthy Sivam

Lyndsey Smith

Clara Smith

Priya Solanki

Drew Somerville

Akshara Somu

Jasmine Sonpar

Ellie Spengler

Josie Starr

Tyler Steeprow

Noah Stein

Logan Steren 

Erin Stevens

Sidney Stone

Emery Stratman

Ava Strong

Grace Stumm

Daniella Suarez

Sanya Sundrani

Aanya Suri

Clarissa Tanudjaja

Heidi Tanudjaja

Karthik Taranath

Mikki Taye

Gabriella Teachey

Aisha Teran

Lydia Tesfai

Jack Teuschl 

Amit Thakrar

Veronica Thieman

Sara Thomas

Estella Thomas

Michele Togbe

Christian Torborg

Nora Torp

Cameron Travis

Liza Jane Triandafilou

Victoria Trinh

Ellie Tsahalis

Peter Tsahalis

Miles Tudor

Mackenzie Tyson

Reagan Uffelman

Sasha Ugel

Keerthi Uppalapati

Nathanael Valaparla

Sophie Valbrune

Suhaa Veeramachaneni

Emma Ventimiglia


Mia Verma

Hannah Wade

Aanya Wadhwani

Abby Wagle

Cecily Wainstein

Sean Wallace

Thomas Walsh

Anne Waltzman

Tatiana Ward

Catherine Warren

Anjani Waters

Adam Webb

Kylie Weems

Aitana Wells

Celeste Wetmore

Madison Whitbeck

Sophia White

Caitlyn White

Caroline Whitty

Morganne Willard

Elle Williams

Madeline Williams

Sydney Wills

Owen Wolak

Patrick Wolff

Lydia Wong

Kyleigh Woodrick

Ayana Woods

Elizabeth Woodward

Lillie Wools 

Camryn Worley

Jonathan Wu

Rachel Xavier 

Greeshma Yadlapalli

Shea Yeager

Bhasuri Yerasi

Shermeen Yousaf

Hetian Yuan

Rishi Zarkar

Alden Zerkle 

Mia Zganjar

Veronica Zhou

Lauren Ziegler

Christina Zielinski

Emma Zoeller


Platinum Sponsors


Gold Sponsors

CoStar Group

Koons of Silver Spring, Inc

The InterTech Group

Jim Koons Automotive Group

Silver Sponsors

Wrobel Family Foundation

Magoosh, Inc.

Gharad SAT + ACT Prep

CLC Agency

Bronze Sponsors

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

The Young Hearts Foundation

Land Design Consultants

Pond Roofing

Hero Circle Sponsors

Kearney & Company

Monumental Sports & Entertainment


Aquaman Pool Service, Inc. 


Halpern Financial, Inc

Principle Choice Solutions, LLC

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

The TJX Companies, Inc.

Greater Potomac Retina

SN Office, LLC

The Donohue Family Foundation

Baywood Hotels

Aurora Innovations LLC

Moran Holdings


Clark Construction Group, LLC

Hercules Fence

Nasatka Barrier, Incorporated


Donatelli Development

Crowe LLP

Starboard Value 

Kohlberg & Company

The Banner Team- Long and Foster Real Estate

Hartman Design Group, Inc.

Lobkovich Inc

Arlington Magazine

JMI Equity

Joseph Greenwald & Laake PA and partner Brian Markovitz

Self Storage Plus

Rock Spring Contracting, LLC

Koons of Bethesda

NOVA Orofacial Pain & Dental Sleep Medicine

Linder Global Events

MCM Capital

Capitol Chimney Service

Dynamic Dental Care

Ruggeri Parks Weinberg LLP

American Land Title Association

OVM with AnnieMac Home Mortgage

Tayman Lane Chaverri LLP

Capital Bank

Children's Dentistry of Fairfax 

Lemoncello Boutique

Gilead Sciences

The Dennis and Judy Engel Charitable Foundation 


Five Star Automotive Group

Adopilot Inc

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

The Children in the Shoe INC


The Normandy Group

Converged Security Solutions

Office Liquidation Solutions

Iverson & Wahab Orthodontic

Ourisman Jeep

Compass - M&M Properties Group- Maria Kelly & Madeline Middlebrook

Evergreene Homes

United Energy Products, Inc.

GTM Architects, Inc.

Window Nation


UEP Northeast

HBC Group - Keller Williams Realty


Artisan Builders III, LLC

Heller Orthodontics

Georgetown Aquatics

Malloy Auto Group

Arlington Management Partners

Morae Global Corporation

Wallace Perimeter Security



D4C Cares

J Kittelberger & Sons

Crisp and Juicy 


Iridium Communications Inc.

Transformed Med Spa of Frederick 

J.S. Perkins Consulting LLC

Greater Good Strategy

Allen & Rocks, Inc.,



Rad Orthodontics

Premium Title and Escrow, LLC

The Babbington Team of Compass

Lemek LLC dba Panera Bread

Zee Tutoring


Brandon Rushing Lawn & Garden Care 

Adventure Web Interactive

Ridgefield Pediatrics

Plane Jane Salon

First Cousins Catering

Leonardo DRS, Inc.

Pink Dot Styles

Eaton Workshop

Luxe Dermatology and Aesthetic Center

Roop Xanttopoulos Babounakis & Klam PLLC

Match Group

Britto's Childrens Dentistry 

Advanced Opinions

In Kind Sponsors

Nice Guys Entertainment

Sukie Studios

Photo in a Box

Burke Florist

Twin Brook Floral Design

Crown Trophy of Gaithersburg

Bean Bag Deli

Jim Craige Photography

Rich Condit Photography

Patrick Ryan Photography


San Antonio SVOY Results


For Immediate Release  


 Monica Riojas 





The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Announces South Central Texas Region’s 2023 San Antonio Student Visionaries of the Year Winners 


San Antonio, Texas March 5, 2023 – The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)’s Student Visionaries of the Year philanthropic competition brings together thousands of high school students across the country from diverse backgrounds and experiences who are extraordinarily driven to reach their own personal best and, ultimately, help LLS fight blood cancer, a disease that is diagnosed every 180 seconds in the U.S. and has no current means of prevention. 


Earlier this month, LLS’s South Central Texas Region announced the Student Visionary of the Year winner, Alexandra Smithwick, 16, of Smithson Valley High School in San Antonio, Texas raised $176,557, the most funds across the San Antonio Market.  


Alexandra Smithwick is a currently a Junior, plays competitive soccer and is on the varsity team at Smithson Valley High School. As soon as Alexandra heard about this program, she immediately wanted to join the effort and make a huge impact. Alexandra is passionate about being involved in her community and was thrilled for the opportunity to bring awareness to the LLS Mission by fundraising with the support of her team. 


Student Visionaries of the Year has helped LLS invest more than $1.6 billion in cutting-edge research worldwide, fueling nearly every critical advancement in blood cancer treatment that spans the most promising cancer research.  


New this year, each candidate team chose an LLS Mission Pillar to represent and bring awareness to throughout their seven-week campaign. These three pillars, Research, Patient Support, and Advocacy, make up the very core of what LLS does.  


The 2023 Mission Award recipients are: 


  • Research Award: Team Be The Change led by Aarav Gedala, Sophomore - Keystone School, Tanvi Bandaru, Junior - Health Careers High School and Nandini Nukala, Sophomore - Keystone School 

  • Patient Support Award: Team Esperanza led by Felix Castillo, Senior – Central Catholic High School 

  • Advocacy Award: Team Ensure The Cure led by Rashmi Basu, Sophomore – Keystone School 


“Congratulations to our Student Visionary of the Year Alexandra Smithwick, our Mission Pillar winners – Team Be The Change, Team Esperanza, and Team Ensure The Cure, and all the relentless candidates, supporters, and volunteers who helped to make Student Visionaries of the Year a incredible success this year!” said Clarissa Flores, LLS’s South Central Texas executive director. “America’s youngest generation truly sees the vision of a cancer-free future and they are leading the charge to create it with LLS.” 


For more information or to get involved, visit llsstudentvisionaries.org and follow on social media, @LLSusa, #LLSVisionaries. 

Blood cancer patients and their families should contact the LLS Information Resource Center at (800) 955-4572, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., ET. 

About The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® (LLS) is the global leader in the fight against blood cancer. The LLS mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world, provides free information and support services, and is the voice for all blood cancer patients seeking access to quality, affordable, coordinated care. 
Founded in 1949 and headquartered in Rye Brook, NY, LLS has regions throughout the United States and Canada. To learn more, visit www.LLS.org. Patients should contact the Information Resource Center at (800) 955-4572, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET. 
For additional information, visit lls.org/lls-newsnetwork. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
LLS is one of Fast Company's "2022 Brands That Matter." As the only cancer organization on the list, LLS stands out among brands around the world for its relevancy, cultural impact, ingenuity, and mission impact. 

