Honored Hero - Isaiah

Honored Hero - Isaiah

Isaiah Melendez: 2019 Boy of the Year. Journey told by his mother, Brenda Perez:

February 18, 2017, I received the worst news ever. It all started with what I thought a simple hospital visit because Isaiah came down with a fever. The doctor delivered the news gently - Isaiah's red blood cells are low, the white blood cells are low and platelets are low. I quickly learned that having one of out of the three would be an okay situation but, all three being low was not good, not good at all. I looked up at the doctor's face and he muttered, it's CANCER! Never in a million years would I have thought that my son, my baby, my 3 year old has cancer. My body went numb. My biggest fears clouded my mind. I heard my daughter crying in the next room. I then hear Isaiah's father crying "why". I was still trying to grasp the information, but it was like I was brain dead. The news finally sunk in and with tears in my eyes, I asked the Doctor, WHY? What were the symptoms? Is this heredity? What did I do wrong? My answer from anyone and everyone was, I'm so sorry, it just happens! As I started blaming myself, I looked at my pale baby and told him, "Mommy is here" - everything will be ok.

A year later, Isaiah is in remission, still going through chemotherapy treatment and taking several other medications. Even though we still have no answers or a cure, I just thank God my baby is still here by our side.

Our lives changed in a matter of seconds but...we have survived and prevailed. I had to resign from my full time job to take care of Isaiah. I am a single mother raising my two other children as well. As soon as Isaiah was diagnosed with leukemia (ALL) he was admitted to start chemotherapy right away. We spent weeks in the hospital last year due to Isaiah's different reactions to the chemotherapy, fevers he would come down with, spinal taps and other unexpected medical emergencies.

Despite any obstacles he is still one loving and energetic boy who loves powerwheels and dinosaurs! Isaiah loves to play outside with his friends and he is currently learning how to ride a bicycle!